Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Hello and welcome to my Pets on Paper virtual art gallery. Allow me to introduce myself and share a bit about my art. I grew up in Niagara Falls, Ontario a very long time ago when milk was delivered to your door in glass bottles and the ice wagon made its weekly rounds delivering big blocks of ice for the ice-box. Ever since grade 4, and probably before that, art has played a prominent part in my life. On that day way back in 1955, I drew a hawk, not just any hawk--it was a beautiful detailed sparrow hawk that even Marc Chagal would have admired (many of his works feature birds). What I remember most though about that drawing was how utterly focused, rapt actually, I was and I realized at that time that I had a gift for detail and proportion.

I loved drawing with pencil, especially the human form, but also took various art classes through the years in charcoal and pastels. From there my interests grew to include soapstone carving and abstract works in acrylic painting. Fast forward to that crazy year of 2021 when the pandemic changed everyone's life in a good way or a bad way--often both. 

Like most people, I was searching for a new way to engage with life and to express myself. I had always admired the works of water colourists so started on-line watercolour courses. I would spend six or seven hours a day following tutorials of birds, animals, flowers. One day, I mustered up my confidence and courage and took a giant step out. I decided to paint my neighbours greyhound, Rock. When I showed it to Rock's mom she loved it and posted it on her media page. People who I didn't know and who had seen her post started to contact me for their precious pet's portrait. And that, dear reader, was the beginning of pets on paper.

Okay, enough about me and my journey. I would be honoured if you would scroll through my gallery bearing in mind that the majority of my paintings were commissions and therefore not in my possession. Any that are available will be labelled accordingly. Enjoy!

This is Rock my neighbour's greyhound.
He holds the privilege of being the first dog portrait I painted.

I painted two of King my daughter's dog.
I was experimenting with different watercolour papers: hot press vs cold press. 

Next up was Bekka. She held the title of Canadian Champion Greyhound.
Painting a full-body portrait was scary but Bekka's owner loved it.

Biscuit, a Nova Scotia Duck Toller, is watching...what else...ducks.
The owners wanted to remember her in a loving way.

I painted Osha in her regal pose.
The owner loved that I had captured her facial expression to a tee.

Chloe and Fraser were best buds and the first painting I did that
featured two dogs. A challenge for me to be sure.

This is Remi with his sweet happy face.

Indie with her favourite stuffy

Little Bear with his big attitude



Sweet Cya

This is Esmé who is special to me.
I was her dog sitter since she was a puppy.

Tiny but mighty Chaka. My neighbour's precious pet.

My blacks are always a blend of pigments and I wasn't happy
with the result on the right so painted Jensen twice.

This was a memorial picture my daughter requested for her
good friend who had just lost Raine

This is Karl my daughter's dog and his best bud.
Painted during my bout with covid and the background
reflects my frustration with two weeks of isolation.

This is my rendition of a Norwich Terrier.
12" x 8-1/4" AVAILABLE

Dressed up for the holiday
12" x 8-1/2" AVAILABLE

I painted Sadie for a friend who lost
her after fourteen years of deep friendship

Poco Rojo looks so regal. He was the herd sire
for Millstream Miniature Llamas for many years.

Sasha. Gotta love those ears!

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 Hello and welcome to my Pets on Paper virtual art gallery. Allow me to introduce myself and share a bit about my art. I grew up in Niagara ...